
Fatal Fields

Fatal Fields

Fatal Fields is a region on the Fortnite Battle Royal map, located on the southern squares of F8-F9, G8-G9, north of Lucky Landing and west of Paradise Palm. It is a large farm with...

Paradise Palms

Paradise Palms

Paradise Palms is a huge area on the Fortnite Battle Royale map, located in the southeast position of the H8-I8, east of the Fatal Fields . It is a city with commercial institutions in...

Shifty Shafts

Shifty Shafts

Shifty Shafts is a location on the Chapter 3 Fortnite island. It’s actually one of the oldest location, but the last time it was featured on the island was back in Chapter 1. Some...

Tilted Towers

Tilted Towers

Tilted Towers is a popular area on the Royal Battle map, located in the coordinates D5-D6, between the Loot Lake and the Shifty Shafts. It is the largest city with many high-rise buildings, vehicles...

Salty Springs

Salty Springs

Salty Springs is a region on the map of the Battle Royal, located in the southern coordinates of F7, east of the Shifty Shafts and south of the Dusty Divot. This is a residential...

Snobby Shores

Snobby Shores

Snobby Shores is a region on the Battle Royale map, located in the western coordinates of the A5, northwest of Greasy Grove, and southwest of Pleasant Park. This is a neighborhood on the west...

Pleasant Park

Pleasant Park

Pleasant Park is a region on the Battle Royale map, located in the northwest coordinates of C3-C4, between the Haunted Hills and the Loot Lake. This is a suburban residential area with houses, a...

Loot Lake

Loot Lake

Leaky Lake formerly known as Loot Lake, is a district on the Battle Royale map and is located in the north central squares of D4, E4-E5, southeast of Pleasant Park and north of Tilted...