shadow outfits

Mecha Team Shadow

Mecha Team Shadow

Mecha Team Shadow outfit is another bear skin in Fortnite. We’ve had tons of pandas and other bears already as well as Shadow skins, but the game’s developers probably don’t think so. Well, at...

Nite Gunner

Nite Gunner

Nite Gunner outfit is exactly like Brite Gunner, but mixed with the skins from the Shadow pack. Nite Gunner skin wears a simple costume of black pants, shirt, and vest, but they are glowing...

Shadow Ark

Shadow Ark

Shadow Ark outfit is a skin that is included in the Fortnite Darkfire bundle. Evil and good. Heaven and hell. Black and White. Pepsi and Cola. Burger and Tomato. Eternal confrontation. And the Ark...