Complete a lap at Motorboat Mayhem Fortnite location

It’s been a while since we had a racing track or challenge last time. Fortunately, with the coming of the new map, we now have some updated racing tracks. To do Season 3 Week 4 “Complete a lap at Motorboat Mayhem” challenge we need a vehicle and some patience, because enemies probably won’t wait for you to complete the race. Knowing the previous seasons’ challenges, I can definitely say that the chance of completing the race on first try is very low. So, if you can’t complete it because of other players, just wait a couple of days until most of the people stop coming there.

About the track: the racing track we need is located North of  Misty Meadows. There’s usually some boats there, but I recommend you to take your own one, because it might be dangerous near the existing boats.

Complete a lap at Motorboat Mayhem Fortnite location

Once you have a vehicle, go to the track’s start and wait for 15 seconds until the race starts. Once 15 seconds have passed,  just follow the track and go through the rings that will appear in front of you. The race will be finished once you’ve gone through the whole track and returned to its start. If the race is finished, drop off the boat and do whatever you want to do because the challenge is now completed.

Complete a lap at Motorboat Mayhem Fortnite location

Motorboat Mayhem looks like:

Unfortunately, the challenge can only be completed by using a boat, a shark or a helicopter won’t do. Would be fun to see someone fly through all the rings using a helicopter though.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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