Fortnite Deathrun map Codes for XP | Best Fortnite Parkour codes for Creative mode

Recently, level up in the classic Fortnite modes is not at all profitable. It’s much better to use Creative and Save the World modes.

Every day, a lot of Fortnite creative maps are created: someone wants their maps to be fun, and someone wants their maps to fast level up. This list of creative map codes is just for the latter – here you will find the Fortnite Deathrun map Codes for XP.

Fortnite Deathrun map Codes for XP | Best Fortnite Parkour codes for Creative mode

In total, there are 6 Parkour map codes for XP created by different authors.


Map code: 9774-4215-8518

The first map in the Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass leveling list can add a little flame to your gameplay, as it’s really hard to complete all the levels, especially if you don’t usually play this kind of maps. Some levels play more like a torture than a game.

You get XP for entering the map, each collected coin, the time spent on the map and a full playthrough. The most effective way to get levels is to complete the map.

To get additional XP, you can complete the map several times, open the VIP room and search for Meowscles. However, the counter lags a bit, so be ready for that. There’s also a bug that sometimes sends you under the map. You can get from 10 000 to 40 000 XP for collecting them.

After you finish the map or teleport to the base (by pressing the gnome), you can convert your coins for XP. There also are some bugs here, but, unfortunately, they aren’t as helpful – the machine sometimes takes your coins without giving you XP.

I got 51 000 XP for 10 minutes of playing the map. The main thing is to complete the map to get more XP.


Map code: 0673-7389-3434

This is basically a cute deathrun map with watermelons. Even though each coin barely gives you any XP, you can get quite a lot in total. The main thing is to complete the map. The map has 150 levels in total, and all of them are really simple.

The map is suitable for new parkour players and gives XP for each regular coin, silver coin, completion and collected coins in the VIP room.

Your task here is to complete the map and open the VIP room. Then, pick up the secret from the grand piano and behold the XP.

I got 51 000 XP for 10 minutes spent on this map.

300 Level Lava Parkour

Map code: 4849-8071-1187

This lava obstacle course is also good for inexperienced players, as well as for getting a nice amount of XP. You need to collect coins, interact with bonus XP stands and solve puzzles.

You get additional XP for the time spent on the map, as well as for each 5 unlocked levels without dying.

I got 32 000 XP for playing the map for 10 minutes. A nice result, and a nice map.

Parkour Fun Run!

Map code: 1387-7831-4752

This is another leveling death run that is better to complete. You won’t get a lot of XP for playing the map for a short while.

Every 10 levels, the XP gain increases, and the author promises some unreal XP amounts for completing it.

I got 20 000 XP for playing the map for 10 minutes, but remember that you can get more. Or less, if you’ve reached the limit. Makes sense, right?

The Box Deathrun 219 Levels

Map code: 0389-8821-6307

The Box Deathrun 219 Levels map is a continuous obstacle course, as, indeed, any deathrun. The uniqueness of the map is that even a player unprepared for Fortnite tricks will complete it.

How to earn the XP:

  • 300 – 1000 XP every 10th checkpoint
  • 300 – 1100 XP each hallway passed (large experience coin hidden there)

In total, playing 10 minutes, you will receive ~ 12,000 experience. Please note that these figures are given taking into account my speed of completing. I love deathrun maps, and they come easily to me. Unlike boxes, for example.


Map code: 2096-7924-6419

500 level easy deathrun map for XP is not the easiest, but it works. In it, experience can be obtained for the time spent on the map, for passing checkpoints and for finding secret rooms.

How to earn the XP:

  • 500 – 1500 XP for 5 minutes of play
  • 500 – 4000 XP for completing the blue zone
  • 500 – 4000 XP for completing the green zone

For 10 minutes of the game, I got 11,000 experience. If you go through the whole map, you will get many times more, I took only a small segment.

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Map code: 8176-9506-4743

199 level default deathrun gives a stable amount of experience and is easy to complete.

How to earn the XP:

  • 300 – 1000 XP for start
  • 300 – 2000 XP for every 20 levels
  • 300 – 1500 XP for 5 minutes of play

The good map for Season 1 level up, but not effective.

350+ Level Default Deathrun

Map code: 5196-4906-0872

The map of the author snowmymous is almost the simplest deathrun on this planet. This is because if you fail at a certain level, they give you a grappler. With it, obviously, it is very easy to pass the checkpoints, however, from this the XP gained will decrease. But in principle, since the map is simple, it allows you to farm XP in Season 1 Chapter 4.

This Fortnite Deathrun map Code for XP gives you:

  • 700 – 1000 XP every 10th checkpoint without fails
  • 200 – 400 XP every 10th checkpoint if you died
  • 500 – 2000 XP every 50 checkpoints

In total, playing this map for 10 minutes will give you ~ 8000 experience. This is a usual result. If I were more agile, I would get more experience. I recommend the map, as it is simple.


Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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