Destroy inflatable tubemen llamas at gas stations – a Chapter 2 Season 5 week 12 challenge guide

“Destroy inflatable tubemen llamas at gas stations” is another challenge from Chapter 2 Season 5 week 12. Get a car and this challenge will be completed in no time!

There are different types of llamas: some are on cakes, some other ones are on Christmas trees, while others are filled with loot. The new update brought a new type of llamas to the game – inflatable ones. They are pretty fragile and funny, but unfortunately, we’ll need to ruin the look of gas stations and the fun by breaking the llamas.

Destroy inflatable tubemen llamas at gas stations - a Chapter 2 Season 5 week 12 challenge guide

To complete the challenge, you will need to know the location of the gas stations. If you’ve driven a lot of cars and know where the gas stations are, this will be a fun task for you. But if the only way you travel around the map is with the glider after you drop, here’s a map of all the gas stations. But if you prefer to see the gas stations while playing, you can always see their location by opening the map in a car.

Destroy inflatable tubemen llamas at gas stations - a Chapter 2 Season 5 week 12 challenge guide

All you need to do is go around those gas stations and destroy inflatable tubemen llamas (3 of them, according to the leaks). Once the last llama is destroyed, you will get your XP.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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