Destroy spooky TV sets – Fortnite story challenge

“Destroy spooky TV sets” is the last story challenge from the Foreshadow challenge series, which means that the plot summary of Chapter 2 Season 6 of Fortnite is getting really close. Even if you don’t need any XP, I still recommend you completing these challenges just to listen to the characters’ comments.

Spooky TV sets aren’t the TVs from Chapter 1 Season 3. Instead, they’re just some old TVs with noisy screens and scary sounds coming out of them. They are located all over the map, so you’ll need to travel quite a bit.

Destroy spooky TV sets - Fortnite story challenge

The TV sets are easy to notice – they are located in open neutral spaces far from any big locations, so nothing will stop you from destroying them. Besides other players, of course.

Destroy spooky TV sets - Fortnite story challenge

To complete this challenge, find 5 of those spooky TV sets on the map of Fortnite and press the interaction button to destroy them. You can’t break them with your pickaxe.

You can find all the story challenges from Chapter 2 Season 6 of Fortnite HERE.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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