Launch fireworks at Lazy Lake – Fortnite quick challenge

Quick challenges are pretty hard nowadays, considering that they even need a guide. The one that we’re completing today is “Launch Fireworks at Lazy Lake“.

The fireworks’ purpose is probably to celebrate Captain America’s arrival to Fortnite, so let’s make some noise. To launch the fireworks, we need to go Lazy Lake, but not the city itself, but it’s surroundings.

Launch fireworks at Lazy Lake - Fortnite quick challenge

As you can see higher, the fireworks are not in the city, but next to the water and north of it. The unpleasant thing about  them is that even though they are pretty close to each other, you’ve still got to move quite far from one to other. After you’ve used one (by pressing E), the firework will launch into the sky and explode, creating a nice view as well as a waypoint for your enemies.

Launch fireworks at Lazy Lake - Fortnite quick challenge

According to the challenge, you need to launch all 5 fireworks, which are shown on the map higher. When you complete the challenge, you’ll get some XP and a perfect opportunity to check other challenge guides.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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