Mark an Alien Egg – Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 legendary challenge

Mark an Alien Egg is the first challenge from week 7 of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 that we’re going to check out. The reason for that is that the alien eggs may be hard to find if you don’t know where t search for them, and we’re here to help you out.

As you probably already know, the amount of alien eggs on the map constantly grows. We won’t be messing with them this time, and will mark them instead, in case someone else wants to be the prey for an alien parasite.

To mark an Alien Egg, go to a place where there are some. They can be found in the basement of Durrr Burger, under the ceiling of Hydro 16 and around Zyg. This week, Zyg can be found south from Boney Burbs.

If you play Fortnite on PC, you need to press the mouse wheel (this is the default keybind) when aiming at an Alien Egg (when your crosshair is right over one) to mark an Alien Egg. If the mouse wheel doesn’t work, go to the settings and find the Ping / Place Marker setting in the Keyboard Controls tab. And if you use a Gamepad, you can find your Ping key in the next tab.

When you finally mark an Alien Egg, you can find other Chapter 2 Season 7 legendary challenges here when the guides are out.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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