Search Chests at Upstate New York – Week 10 challenge guide

You may not know, but there’s actually a part of New York on Fortnite’s map, and you have already seen it, even if you didn’t know it’s NY.

All of you know that Frenzy Farm was replaced with a huge island with a lake and the Stark Industries location on top of it. And the whole island is Upstate New York, which means that you can loot chests anywhere on the island, which will be much easier than if you needed to search chests in one small location with tons of opponents trying to complete the same challenge.

The edges of the location are pretty noticeable, so just land somewhere on the island and search as many chests as you can find. You will need to search 7 chests, if the leaks are correct. However, even if the number changes in the game, it will be easy to search more or less chests because the area where you need to loot them is so big.

And here’s the approximate map of all the chests that can be found at Upstate New York:

The challenges will be available tomorrow at 8 am EST, and if nothing changes, you will be able to complete this one quite fast.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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