


Tarana outfit. Chapter 2 Season 6 was dedicated to the wild theme, and Tarana fits in that world perfectly. Even though her bright simple t-shirt, hair, shorts and a rainbow belt don’t look like...

Catwoman Zero

Catwoman Zero

Catwoman Zero outfit. Batman is probably the most popular DC character, but what about his companion, Catwoman? Actually, she has two outfits, and Catwoman Zero is the version from the Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point comic....

Original Renegade

Original Renegade

Original Renegade outfit. Once the original, then the original. If you play on the map of chapter 3, Original Renegade skin is almost never seen, because its release was in Season 4 Chapter 2....



Shang-Chi outfit. Shang-Chi skin appeared in Fortnite for a reason. His addition was timed to the release of the series. This project has gained fans in all corners of the world, and the appearance of...

Marked Marauder

Marked Marauder

Marked Marauder outfit. This skin is extremely popular with pro players. It seems that it has become popular due to the calm tones and military style. Yes, and behind the skin is good, thin...

H'eroe Colorado

H’eroe Colorado

H’eroe Colorado outfit. This is already the 100th skin dedicated to the famous TV show. And this time it’s a male skin wearing a latex grasshopper suit. Nothing unusual, just the developers had a...

Spire Assassin

Spire Assassin

Spire Assassin outfit. Spire Assassin is the level 100 outfit from the Chapter 2 Season 6 Battle Pass. As it usually happens, she didn’t become as popular as players would want her to, but...

Rookie Spitfire

Rookie Spitfire

Rookie Spitfire outfit. This skin is a harsh classic, though now no one will go into battle with it. Where better to buy a female skin from this series or a grasshopper meme skin....