Synapse Station

Synapse Station  Synapse Station is a new location, which appeared on the Season 2 Chapter 3 Fortnite map. And it’s very interesting because the base of the Seven is located here.

Synapse Station is located in the south, near Windbreakers. The Seven are assembling battle buses right here, like Tony Stark once was.

Controllable battle buses already appeared on the Fortnite map through the voting points on the map. Yeah, the Seven are assembling battle buses not for nothing. I hope they have at least tested them…

Chests map at Synapse Station

This location is rather large, and it’s under the Seven’s control. There’s not as much loot as in other large locations, but there are rifts and a beautiful desert oasis. There is one big base to assemble battle buses and a lot of small houses, containers and farms and also gas station and revive bus.

In the southern area of the location, there is a pile of garbage and a pier. There also is a crane and some ladders for launching on the pier.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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