Visit A Solar Array In The Snow, Desert And The Jungle Locations Guide Fortnite

Solar array are a great addition to the game. Even it saves resources!

Solar array in the game and look like classic solar panels from reality. In some places there are many, in some few, and in others only one. To visit them, follow our guide and map:

Visit A Solar Array In The Snow, Desert And The Jungle Locations Guide Fortnite

We visited one of the arrays within the fortbyte challenges. Fortunately, it has not changed its location and remains in the same jungle area. The remaining batteries are already in pairs and are in the desert, snow biome.

Array in the snow:

Visit A Solar Array In The Snow, Desert And The Jungle Locations Guide Fortnite

Solar array in the jungle:

Visit A Solar Array In The Snow, Desert And The Jungle Locations Guide Fortnite

Array in the desert:

Visit A Solar Array In The Snow, Desert And The Jungle Locations Guide Fortnite

It is very simple to visit them – you can fly/ pass by them in any order and you will complete the challenge.

You can also watch Amazing Ali’s video:


Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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