Complete Quests from Clark Kent, Armored Batman, or Beast Boy – Fortnite Superman challenges

Superman (Clark Kent) challenges are finally out, and you can already get to completing them. You need to complete them to get all the rewards for Clark Kent, but here we’ll look at the most common and hard one – Complete Quests from Clark Kent, Armored Batman, or Beast Boy, which even repeats several times.

To complete this challenge and get Clark Kent wearing a suit, you need to go to Clark Kent, Armored Batman or Beast Boy, accept their quests and complete them.

Clark Kent is located at the Orchard, which is located north from Pizza Pit and Corny Complex. Once you’re close to him, a dialog icon will appear on your map, so you will know exactly where he is.

To claim a quest, go to a character, talk to them and select the quest option. Notice that those quests and bounties are different things, which means that you won’t need to hunt other players.

Superman can give you the following quests:

  • Defeat aliens (Even an Alien Parasite counts. You can also eliminate trespassers, which can be found in locations with pink names).
  • Visit different named locations (This is simple, just visit some named locations that you like the most).
  • Visit mothership or an Alien biome (To visit the mothership, let an Abductor suck you in with its beam. You can easily find an Abductor by looking at your map and finding a Flying Saucer icon. And if you plan to visit an alien biome, just go to Holly Hatchery. By the way, visiting Holly Hathery is much easier than getting into the Mothership).

Beast Boy can be found in Weeping Woods – the only big forest on the map.

Here are the quest that Beast Boy can give you:

  • Receive damage from a player and stay alive (Once an enemy hits you, start building, running and doing everything else to stay alive).
  • Defeat aliens (Alien Parasites also count. You can also eliminate trespassers, which can be found in locations with pink names).
  • Reach speed 99 in a vehicle (To reach such speed, you will need a sports car. They spawn randomly, but they can often be found in a garage or at parking lots at different locations. Grab a car, press the Boost key and watch the speedometer).

Armored Batman is located in Dirty Docks, which is not really a surprise. Dirty Docks is probably the location that fits him the best.

Armored Batman has these quests:

  • Use a launchpad (Launchpads are the things you place to get launched into the air and land using a glider. You can either find it somewhere, or use one at an IO base).
  • Defeat aliens (Alien Parasites also count. You can also eliminate trespassers, which can be found in locations with pink names).
  • Drive a Flying Saucer (Just find a saucer, get inside and fly it. Saucers can be found at locations with pink names, but you will need to eliminate the pilot first. You can also find spare saucers).

If there’s too many people next to the characters, you can also claim their quests using Payphones.

By the way, the quests you get from those characters can be completed even if you die. You’ll have an entire hour to complete the quest you claimed.

If you complete 5 quests from Clark Kent, Armored Batman, or Beast Boy, you will get the Clark Kent skin:

You can also get the Call to Action emoticon and the Superman Shield spray for completing 1 and 3 quests respectively.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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