Fortbyte challenges: Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker

Fortbyte challenges not only continue, but also demolish us with their “fun”. Today, our task is to find a fortbyte 26 near a snowy bunker, disguised as Bunker Jonesy. It is issued at the 23rd level of the Battle Pass Season 9.

To find and raise the fortbyte 26, you need to fly to the second island. As soon as you find yourself there, move away from the center to the west to a small house. It is there that the expected byte is hidden!

Fortbyte challenges: Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker

Do not try to enter the bunker or look for a fee nearby – it is in the house!

Exact location:

Fortbyte challenges: Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker


Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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