Fortbyte challenges: Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast

Unexpectedly, but after a recent update, the number of expected Fortnite Fortbyte has changed.

Today we are waiting for a fortbyte 74, and it is located in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast.

Fortbyte challenges: Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast
To raise it, you need to find the house of the killer and go to the garage (you need to break the floor and the basement will appear).

Assassin’s basement is the home of John Wick, added to the game this season and dedicated to the release of the film and the corresponding mode.

Fortbyte challenges: Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast



Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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