Meowscles can return to Fortnite with a new look

While players are trying to complete challenges and get some XP, data minders are working hard to get some interesting things from the game’s files. This way they found something interesting about Meowscles returning to Fortnite in a new, unexpected look.

iFireMonkey posted a screenshot that shows some files related to Meowscles, which is pretty unexpected. But even more unexpected is that this is some kind of a Comic version of Meowscles.

Some don’t believe in this, while some think that TheHauntedLegend’s concept will become real. The most popular Fortnite characters (Fishstick, Peely and Meowscles) are drawn in the style of old black and white cartoons.

Let’s hope that such a pack can become reality – Peely and Fishstick already have a lot of different versions, while Meoscles is just Meowscles.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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