Stoke a Campfire – Fortnite Winterfest challenge

Stoke a Campfire – this is the second mission of the Fortnite Winterfest challenges. For its complete, you will need wood and our map of сampfires!

Fortnite campfires are something that sometimes being in the zone and the usual game are not without it. It restores 50 units of health and lasts as much as 25 seconds! It gradually but surely helps the character recover, albeit for so long. And one more obvious drawback of it is that it emits smoke that is perfectly visible to enemies, so it is not always good to heal in a good way.

Fortnite campfires map:

Stoke a Campfire - Fortnite Winterfest challenge

However, fears aside, we move to any of the campfires, stock up on a tree (30 units), activate the fire and wait for the moment when it will be possible to throw firewood into it.

Stoke a Campfire - Fortnite Winterfest challenge

After you throw fuel into the fire, it will burn a little more, and then it will go out. By the way, it can then be ignited again, throwing 300 wood. And so in a circle.

To complete the “Stoke a Campfire” challenge, I advise the remote parts of the map, because campfires are in the center, in locations even without a mission! And since the campfire has the opportunity to reincarnate, do not despair and do not leave the extinguished campfire.


Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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