Renegade Shadow

Renegade Shadow

Renegade Shadow outfit is probably a Shadow agent because of both his name and styles. He wears a black coat with fur, no less black trousers, and, depending on the style you’re using, purple...

Travis Scott

Travis Scott

Travis Scott outfit is the skin of a popular rapper Travis Scott from real-life, who you’ve probably seen during the special event. The outfit pretty much looks like Travis in real life – half-naked,...



Envision’s outfit really draws a lot of attention to itself: it has bright colors, a unique hairstyle, catchy clothes, and even a gas mask (stay safe!). Looking at Envision skin you probably would think...



The first time seeing Vix outfit you might ask: “Where have I seen this outfit before?”. And you’re right: Vix skin is pretty much a copy of Lynx from Season 7, but much more...

Dark Scaly

Dark Scaly

Fortnite Dark Scaly back bling is an epic decoration on the back from a Dino Guard set of Fortnite Season 1 Chapter 2. If you suddenly wanted to become a dinosaur, then Dark Scaly...

Dark Hatchling

Dark Hatchling

Fortnite Dark Hatchling back bling is an epic decoration on the back from a Dino Guard set of Fortnite Season 1 Chapter 2. If you didn’t like Dark scaly, then you can always choose...

Bao Basket

Bao Basket

Fortnite Bao Basket back bling – honestly, I don’t know what it is. Only one thing is clear – this is something from China and this something looks very unusual. If you are a...

Time Keeper

Time Keeper

Fortnite Time Keeper back bling in a nice color in addition to Wrath skin. I can’t add anything more, Time Keeper’s worth buying if you have extra V-bucks and a desire to go around...