Use the Grab-Itron or Saucer’s Tractor beam to deliver a tractor to Hayseed’s farm

Use the Grab-Itron or Saucer’s Tractor beam to deliver a tractor to Hayseed’s farm is probably the hardest challenge from week 10 of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7. People don’t usually move tractors around the map because you can’t even drive them, and that’s why you’ll need to use something gravity-defying.

Of course, using a flying Saucer to deliver a tractor is easier because there always are some UFOs around the map. The Grab-itron’s spawn chance, however, is completely random, so nobody can guarantee you that you’ll find one. That’s why I recommend you using a saucer. Here’s where you can find one (besides pink-named locations):

Once you find a Grab-itron (it can be found in chests, in chests on Abductors and in chests inside the Mothership) or a Saucer, go to Corny Complex. This location has a huge amount of tractors, so finding one will be almost too easy. If you’re using the Grab-itron, aim at a tractor and press the left mouse button. Doing this will attach the tractor to your Grab-itron, so you can deliver it to Hayseed’s farm.

And if you’re using a Saucer, press the right mouse button to use the Saucer’s tractor beam. You can always look at your screen if you forget the controls.

Once you use the Saucer’s beam or a Grab-Itron and have a tractor, deliver it to Hayseed’s Farm (the small farm east from Corny Complex):


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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