Black style for the Marshmello outfit is coming to Fortnite

Have you seen the very first Fortnite concert? The first Marshmello performance shocked everyone with its effects, music and atmosphere, which weren’t expected from a game like Fortnite. This was the most spectacular event back then. However, after the Travis Scott‘s concert, other similar events don’t seem as noticeable and unique. Even the Ariana Grande’s performance wasn’t as memorable.

Black style for the Marshmello outfit is coming to Fortnite

But, of course, the concerts aren’t the only part of the collaborations. All the musicians got their own outfits – Ariana got two skins with several styles, Travis is kind of abandoned after a recent accident, and Marshmello is the only sign that reminds us of Fortnite a few years ago.

Even though the classic Marshmello look is white, a second style was announced recently, covered in black and gold. The owners of the outfit will get the second style for free, and the outfit will become available in the item shop on December 14. Both the styles will be included, so be sure to save 1500 V-Bucks if you want to buy that outfit, because the price shouldn’t change.

Even though Marshmello outfit is coming back to the Fortnite item shop, we don’t know if he will perform in-game again.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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