Collect Stone From A Fork Knife Or Umbrella – Week 10 Season 9 Fortnite Challenge Location Guide

Today, our task is to collect stones during the trials of the Week 10 Season 9 fortnite challenges. And we should not just collect stones from any objects, but only those stones that are located in a Fork Knife or Umbrella.

Who plays fortnite and doesn’t like to collect resources? We certainly do not know such people. Every player cuts down dozens of trees, a small amount of stones and metal every day. Just imagine how many resources are collected during a month, a year.. If it were in reality, it would be possible to build the Fortnite island with one hand. Only here trees don’t grow so fast …

If you have forgotten, then a Fork Knife or Umbrella are huge hollows in the ground, located near the Fatal Fields and Blok locations, respectively.

Collect Stone From A Fork Knife Or Umbrella - Week 10 Season 9 Fortnite Challenge Location Guide

At the moment when you are in the fork knife or umbrella, break your stones with your pickaxe and collect them until you reach 50 bricks. And then build from the available materials anything you want, because the challenge will be credited to you.

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