Destroy Cobwebs at The Authority – week 7 challenge guide

The Authority is now empty and lonely, unlike The Authority from Chapter 2 Season 3. But it will change soon because of this challenge. When a new week comes out, tons of people drop at the challenge locations, so you won’t feel lonely anymore. If you manage to stay alive, of course.

To find the cobwebs easily, I recommend you landing on the Helicopter landing pad and then descend to the lower floors of the building. And the first cobweb is really close – you can find it in the corner of the room next to the helicopter pad.

Destroy Cobwebs at The Authority - week 7 challenge guide


The next floor also has a cobweb. Just go through a door in front of the stairs and look at the window right above that door. Destroy it and continue descending.

Destroy Cobwebs at The Authority - week 7 challenge guide

After descending for 1 more floor you will find 2 more cobwebs. The first one is in an upper window instead of a glass pane, and the second one is above some covered boxes.

The next 3 cobwebs are next to the old safe, which is now opened and empty. Even the first 4 ones should be enough to complete the challenge, but if someone has already destroyed them, these 3 can help.

The easiest way to complete this challenge is to complete it in Team Rumble or in a couple of days after it’s out. This way you will have fewer opponents that can break the cobwebs.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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