Find the Trident at Coral Cove / Fortnite Aquaman week 5 challenges

Fortnite Aquaman challenges are still going, and we need to keep up with them. The reward this time is Aquaman’s famous Trident, which he used as a weapon in the movie and probably comics (he’s the sea master after all) and which we’re going to use as a pickaxe.

Find the Trident at Coral Cove / Fortnite Aquaman week 5 challenges

The challenge we need to complete this time is “Find the Trident at Coral Cove”. This is pretty much it – go to Sweaty Sands, get the Trident, get a Trident pickaxe as a reward.

To complete the challenge, first you need to go to Coral Cove. This place is located North from Sweaty Sands, somewhere between Sweaty and the Beacon, but a little to the West.

Find the Trident at Coral Cove / Fortnite Aquaman week 5 challenges

You can see the exact place you need to land on the map down below. Just come to the rock in the center and hold the ‘E’ key to get the Trident. Once you have the Trident, the challenge will be completed, and you’ll get the Trident pickaxe.

Find the Trident at Coral Cove / Fortnite Aquaman week 5 challenges

Now you can just wait for more Aquaman’s Challenges (if there will be any of course) or complete another challenge – Dance on camera for 10s at Sweaty Sands sound fun, right?


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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