Fortnite Crew subscription will be able to give physical rewards to players by mail

At the moment, the Fortnite Crew subscription does not contain many rewards – an outfit, a Battle Pass, and some V-Bucks. And therefore, the developers want to expand this range with something new and useful.

Fortnite Crew subscription will be able to give physical rewards to players by mail
According to data miner @iFireMonkey, a survey was sent out to players asking them to rate which of the following would be the most or the least necessary to sign up.
The question itself offers a wide range of options. Some of them are just new ways of buying the Fortnite Crew subscription, such as in retail stores or multi-month options.

There are also a large number of options for gameplay: matchmaking options, islands in Creative mode, and more. Beyond that, there is even a choice for real, physical mail-order awards beyond what is provided digitally.

This survey does not mean at all that changes should be expected in February, but one thing is clear – the developers are open to suggestions for improving the subscription.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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