The Fortnite Galaxy Cup 2021: Galaxy Grappler skin, spray and Vortextual Wrap for free

Galaxy outfit fans will soon be able to compete for it new Galaxy Grappler skin in the Galaxy Cup 2021 tournament (only to Android). Only the best of the best in each region will get the Galaxy Grappler skin for free. But do not be discouraged because there is also a consolation prize – spray, for which you also need to try.

The Fortnite Galaxy Cup 2021: Galaxy Grappler skin, spray and Vortextual Wrap for free

The Fortnite Galaxy Cup 2021 will be held on August 29 in the “Arsenal” mode for Solo. In it, you start the game with cool guns, and with each elimination, they get worse and worse. The first to make it through every weapon, from best to worst, earns the Victory Royale!

The Fortnite Galaxy Cup 2021: Galaxy Grappler skin, spray and Vortextual Wrap for free

The tournament will last 3 hours, and during this time you can take part in as many as 25 matches.


And now about the most important thing – rewards.

All players who earn at least 20 points will be awarded the Lllamalaxy Spray.

If you manage to make it to the top 22500 in Europe, you will receive the Vortextual Wrap.

And if you are lucky enough to be in the top 11250 in Europe, you will receive The Galaxy Grappler Outfit, Hands of the Galaxy Back Bling (reactive!), and the Vortextual Wrap.

Scoring system

Points will be awarded as follows:

  • Victory Royale: 7 Points
  • 2nd – 16th: 1 Point
  • Each Elimination: 1 Point


To participate in The Fortnite Galaxy Cup 2021, you need an android device that can launch a Fortnite and not explode. Next, you must be 13 years old, after which you check for 2fa and the absence of insults in your nickname.


Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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