Fortnite Lantern Trials: Free Leadlight Wrap, Dream Lantern Back Bling and Emoji

It is not yet two weeks since the previous Fortnite promotion was end. This time, our goal is to complete Fortnite Lantern Trials and get wrap, back bling, and four emojis for free.

Fortnite Lantern Trials: Free Leadlight Wrap, Dream Lantern Back Bling and Emoji

The developers teased these quests twenty days ago, when they announced a competition for the best in-game photos. Yes, we waited more than expected, but not in vain – getting free rewards in Fortnite is always a pleasure.

To get the Free Leadlight Wrap, Dream Lantern Back Bling and Emoji, you need to log in to a special website:

After entering the data and successfully logging in, the day task will appear to you. By getting one point, namely by making one elimination on the first day, you will receive an emoji. To get the wrap, you need to complete ‘Points milestone of the day’ (if you are going to do it on the first day, you will have to eliminate 35 enemies). There are two milestones required to get the back bling, i.e. you need to complete the milestone of the day in two different days.

Read more: How to fix Fortnite FPS issues after update

Every day for 5 days, a new task will appear in the game, which means you need to go to the site every day and track the current test.

Fortnite Lantern Trials rewards:

  • Day 1 – Brawlin’ Bunny emoji
  • Day 2 – Rook’s Eyeroll emoji
  • Day 3 – Sweaty Jonesy emoji
  • Day 4 – Shrug Ranger emoji
  • Day 5 – Get at least one point on day 5 to receive all the emojis
  • Reach Points milestone of the day – Stained Suns Wrap
  • Reach Points milestone twice – Dream Lantern Back Bling

Fortnite Lantern Trials: Free Leadlight Wrap, Dream Lantern Back Bling and Emoji

Thus, the backpack can be obtained today, on the first day of the challenge, by completing the milestone of the day. Tomorrow, on the 2nd day, if you complete the milestone of the day in the same way, you will also receive a backpack.


Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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