Free The March music pack and D.C. 63 spray for all Fortnite players

The last summer, specifically August, the “March through Time” mode appeared in the game. At that time, after spending half an hour in this mode, players could get a memorable D.C. 63 spray. This mode was different by a lot of historical references, and therefore it was called that.

A few days ago, Fortnite players who received the spray began to receive a special “The March” music pack. This award became an unexpected surprise for many players, who even forgot about their intangible investment.

However, today it became known that Fortnite developers began to distribute the spray and The March music pack even to those players, who didn’t play this mode. Therefore, if you’ll get spray and music puck on your account in the near future, know that you got the best deal from the developers. So, we can only feel sorry for the players, who spent their time just to get the spray.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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