Locate a Trask Transport Truck – Wolverine week 5 challenge guide
The Wolverine outfit is already available, but first we’re going to complete the previous challenge to get a style for the MCG. The MCG is a glider that has a lot of different style, which change the picture on its screen.
To complete the challenge, you’ll need to find a special location on the game’s map with a purple Trask Transport Truck. Just land close to it and the challenge will be completed – pretty easy, right? By the way, there’s also a gold XP coin inside the truck, which will give you 15000 XP if you haven’t collected it before. The truck is located in the northern part of the map. The truck stands on an earth platform, which is really noticeable, so you won’t miss it. Besides the Trask transport truck, there’s also some loot spawn points and a chest spawn point, so probably you won’t go sway from there without a gun.
And here’s a map that shows where the truck is on the island: