Scan a server at a Surface Hub – Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 week 13 challenge
“Scan a server at a Surface Hub” is a challenge from the new week 13 of Fortnite’s Chapter 2 Season 5 that will get us familiar with all the secret passes across the island.
The challenge is really hard to complete using text, so if you prefer watching a guide rather than reading it, here’s a video:
First, when you see the challenge, you might not understand what’s going on. “What server?”, “What Surface Hub?”, “Is this even Fortnite? “are some of the questions you might ask, and it is understandable – the challenge is a hard one. The servers don’t really look like servers, and the term “Surface Hub” isn’t obvious either.
However, we have a challenge to complete, which means that it’s time to start doing something. Unfortunately, the place you are looking for isn’t easy to find, so you might spend some time going around one of the houses in Hunter’s Haven.
To scan the server there, you’ll need to go 2 floors down first. Then go forward, go up one floor and turn left. There you will find a strange thing that you need to interact with.
The second place where you can complete the challenge is located at Stealthy Stronghold, next to Predator. To find the server, you need to go into an eastern building, find a hole, go down it and enter a room with a chest. But if you don’t want to scan a server at this Surface Hub, you can proceed to the third one.
The third place where you can complete the challenge is located in Colossal Coliseum. The corridors of this building already were confusing before, and now it’s even worse. You need to enter the main gate, turn right, go down the nearest stairs and break the door that has a secret pass. But that’s not it yet! Go down, then go through the vent and finally get to the room that has 2 servers.