Fortnite 16.50 leaks – all the skins and other cosmetics

Fortnite 16.50 update isn’t as global as some wanted it to be considering that it’s the last update of Chapter 2 Season 6. However, there’s still a lot of interesting skins and other cosmetic items in the update, so there’s no need ignoring it.

Let’s start with the bundles. There are three of them this time:

The most interesting one is the Orelia bundle because it’s the only new skin in all those bundles. The rest of them consist of relatively old items, but if you have a part of these bundles, you can purchase the rest of them with a discount!

It’s also worth mentioning that the old Batman bundle will come back to Fortnite, so those who didn’t like Batman Zero will be able to purchase this one.

Fortnite 16.50 leaks - all the skins and other cosmetics

FNCS now has its own outfit (it’s a pity that the drops are not updated yet). The skin looks just like the WorldCup skin, but has the FNCS colors and logo:

Fortnite 16.50 leaks - all the skins and other cosmetics

Tsuky now also has an extra style, which was announced at a tournament a while ago:

Fortnite 16.50 leaks - all the skins and other cosmetics

The image below has all the new items from this update. The image is in high resolution, so you can click it to look at the items you like.

Fortnite 16.50 leaks - all the skins and other cosmetics

And the last thing that is worth showing is the image of the upcoming items. These items are most likely coming to the item shop soon, but it doesn’t guarantee that these items will definitely appear in the item shop soon. These skins were changed in Fortnite 16.50 update, so their chances of being returned to the shop are relatively high:

Fortnite 16.50 leaks - all the skins and other cosmetics


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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