Fortnite return requests will refresh after a year

A lot of players have probably bought something from the item shop immediately after they saw it without really thinking about the purchase. However, after a couple of days, such players can start to regret their purchase. Of course, you can use a return request, but losing one isn’t really a good option if you’d like to save it for the future. But some players have already spent most or all their return requests, so their only option of refunding a purchase is by doing it right after the purchase itself was done. Today, however, Fortnite developers made the players a surprise by giving everyone a free return request if their amount of requests wasn’t full.


However, that’s still not it. The 18.20 Fortnite update not brought a lot of new outfits and styles to the game, but also added a new feature. Now, when you use a return request, it will start a countdown and refresh after a while. Yes, you’ll need to wait for a whole year, which is quite a lot, but it’s still a lot better than not having any return requests at all. Now every player will have at least one return request.

How to return / refund and item in Fortnite?

If you don’t know how to return an item and get your V-Bucks back, it’s really easy to do. Just launch the game, open the settings menu and go to the last tab called Account and Privacy. One of the first buttons will be the Submit a Request button.

Press this button and wait until all the purchases you’ve made during the past 30 days get loaded. Notice: you won’t be able to return an item that was purchased longer than 30 days ago.

Then, select an item, choose a reason and submit a request. You will spend one of your return requests in exchange for your spent V-Bucks.

The return request that you spend will refresh in a year, so I don’t recommend you doing many rash purchases if you don’t want to play Fortnite without any requests for such a long while.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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