Ninja won 5000 matches

Tyler Blevins, also known as Ninja, was the first in the history of Fortnite to win 5000 matches on PC.

Ninja won 5000 matches

To achieve this result, streamer needed 13,550 matches, of which he won 37% (more than every third match). For all the games, more than 94,000 killings of enemy characters with an average KDA of 11 were committed.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that the result of Ninja seems fantastic, there were people who could overtake him. The guy from Russia with the nickname TTV.Uwatakashi and the representative of Sweden Twitch-Ettnix. Guys didn’t manage to get this record, but now I’ll see each other for 10,000 victories.

And don’t forget about our guide (getting B-bucks to Fortnight) to look stylish overtaking the top Fortnite players.


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