No build mode can appear in Fortnite

Have you imagined Fortnite without building? Well, if you’re playing on your smartphone, you don’t need to. And ordinary players will split up: some are masters of building, they can’t play a single game without building castles, and others like a calm game without building. The second group of player has been discussing a possible no build mode for a long time now, and it has a chance of appearing in Fortnite.

No build mode can appear in Fortnite

No build mode can appear in Fortnite  But you can’t become a build master in a couple of hours, most players have been learning this since release of the game. And new players have been through a lot. Even if they play the first few games with bots, they feel no desire to build. But this is what you get when bots are too easy for beginners, and real players build skyscrapers, taking away your desire to play.

Discussions about a new no build mode have appeared in the Fortnite community more than one time. And because the build mechanics in the game is the main, fans of the game didn’t hit it off.

Reddit user BlameNuggie raised this difficult question again and received more than 700 answers. Many users supported the idea of a no build mode. “I would like a no build mode. I would prefer to lose to a player who shoots better than me, but not because my ammo is over due to an infinite wall” – says one of the players.

“Not everyone wants to spend a day practicing building. I don’t have dozens of hours every week to sit and train. It would be very good to have a mode where building is not so important.”

But some believe that this mode could make the game worse. “The only reason why Fortnight differs from other games of similar genre is building, without which the game will lose its meaning” resent one of the players.

Players can argue about this mode forever, but the developers always have the last word. And they, according to the files, have already started working on a no build mode a few seasons ago, but only for duos.

No build mode can appear in Fortnite

And because the work is underway for a long time, it’s impossible to say if the new No Build will be added to Fortnite or not.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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