Shortnitemares event in Fortnite – rewards, how to watch and date

It’s the third time Epic Games do a short film event. The past two times were featuring funny animals, bizarre characters, and it seems like it will be the same this time. Shortnitemares event is going to show us some new shorts in Fortnite, but this time, they will be dedicated to Halloween and Fortnitemares 2021.

The Shortnitemares event will be held between October 28, 22:00 UTC and November 1, 22:00 UTC. There will be seven horror-themed short films in total. And since this whole event will last for 3 days, you can come whenever you want between those timestamps. Not let’s talk how to watch the shorts and what you will get for them.


If you watch 30 minutes of short films, you will get the Spray Matter spray. The reward isn’t worth it for most players, but if you like to collect everything, you’ll need to spend some of your time and electric energy to power your device while you watch the short films.


How and where to watch

On October 29, the special Shortnitemares game mode will appear in the Fortnite game mode list. You’ll need to launch the game, click the Change button on the selected game mode button and select the Shortnitemares game mode. Then, you will see a map full of theater halls – just choose the one you like and enjoy watching some short films.

Each hall will have its own movie, so check the one that is the most interesting for you first.

According to the developers, the Kernel Poppy outfit is dedicated to this event, so if you want to remember Shortnitemares for a long while, buying this skin is an option.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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