Chapter 2 Season 8 of Fortnite will have a live event

The cube mess, which we’ve been following since the third day the season started, won’t just go away quietly. They are not only moving around the island and destroying everything that stands in their way, but they can also visit the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 live event. This, however, is just a theory.

Chapter 2 Season 8 of Fortnite will have a live event

According to data miners, the files contain some tags of the upcoming Chapter 2 Season 8 event. And we are talking about a live event here, which means that it will be in real time, like the Skyfire event we saw before. Unfortunately, this is everything the data miners got.

Overall, Chapter 2 Season 8 of Fortnite will most likely have more than one event – around 2 or 3, including a live one. September 26 is the Fortnite’s birthday, and it will definitely have some free gifts and challenges; Halloween (October 31) usually has some cool map changes and interesting challenges, and the live event just has to happen – without it, the only thing we’ll remember about the season will be the cubes.


haha keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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