Creamy Crossroads
Creamy Crossroads is a Fortnite location placed right above the center of the map that got added with the start of Chapter 3. It’s located next to Daily Bugle and Sleepy Sound.
The location is pretty much the center one, so you can expect it to be filled with players after the match starts. The main building here is the SoFDeez ice cream shop. It has dozens of ice cream flavors, and if it’s not enough to refresh your mind, maybe the terrace covered in snow will help you.
Next to the café, there’s a gas station and a tire service store, so you can both relax for a while and do some useful things. The other street has the Garden Center flower shop and a coffee shop, if you’d prefer some hot coffee instead of cold ice cream.
There’s also a fountain, a laundry, a couple of abandoned houses and two colorful houses next to a bus stop.