Fortnite Junk Rift – About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use

Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  Epic Games every day trying to diversify the game with new content, adding new weapons, vehicles and unique items. This new unique item is the Junk Rift introduced in the recent 10.10 content update. Its description is very tempting and interesting, but like any other unique subject, it needs to be used correctly (Well, except BRUTE. It can be controlled without a monitor). We suggest you familiarize yourself with how to use the Junk Rift to get the most performance.

If you think about it, Junk Rift is an analogue of airstrike from season 9, only adapted to the theme and realities of 10. If you used airstrike at least once, then it will be much easier for you to orient yourself and use junk effectively. That is why we have prepared a small comparison that will help you determine the favorite and highlight all the pros and cons of these items.


1.Mechanics. The player throws the item onto the site, and after a short period of time, this area is attacked.

2.The same duration of use. From the moment of the throw to the end of the attack, 8 seconds elapse.


1.Different objects during the attack. An airstrike attacks an area with missiles, and a rift with junk.

2.Different damage. A rift just blows everything in its path, and a airstrike uses physical damage, which is limited.

3. You can keep 4 junk in the stack, while
maximum hit 2.

As you can see, the mechanics of using both items are about the same, but not without their nuances.

Junk Rift Features

  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  Exceptionally destruction!
    Fortnite Junk Rift demolishes all buildings underneath, leaving no chance of escape.
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  Exceptional destruction!
    The item takes 200 health to each hero within range.
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  Height is his hobby!
    The Junk Rift will always be activated above the building. If you built a staircase to heaven and activated the rift, then it is activated above this staircase and will destroy it.
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  Shock wave
    If you thought that at the top points the destructive power of the Junk Rift has ended, then I hasten to upset you! Upon a successful attack, the item creates a shock wave that deals 100 damage.
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  Randomness
    Each item thrown out of the Junk Rift is random, it cannot be predicted. However, the damage is guaranteed to be the same.
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  RadiusIf
    The damage is the same, then the damage radius is different. In a dinosaur, it is obviously more than in a conventional machine.
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  Ammunition is now falling from the sky
    When using Junk Rift, precipitation in the form of ammunition is possible. But this does not always happen.

Tips to win

  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  From heaven to earth
    Use the item to lower annoying campers from nine-story buildings to hard ground.
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  There was a BRUTE and no BRUTE
    At the moment, this is the only weapon that can break the mechanical face of BRUTE. It remains only to throw correctly …
  • Fortnite Junk Rift - About the Item, Tips and Tricks to Use  The rescue
    Throw a rift to throw trackers off the tail.


Lima Mike Foxtrot Alfa Oscar

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