
Fortnite news is a site section that contains all the latest news about Fortnite.

Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world and every day events occur that are associated either with the game or with the gaming community. We try to choose the most interesting news and give the latest information.

B.R.U.T.E.s are coming back to Fortnite - where to vote?

B.R.U.T.E.s are coming back to Fortnite – where to vote?

The rumors about B.R.U.T.E.s coming back to Fortnite came true. And we, regular players, can affect their comeback by voting with our gold bars. Back in Season X, the B.R.U.T.E.s became so frustrating for...

Fortnite became the most popular game on PS5

Fortnite became the most popular game on PS5

You might’ve seen an article by Epic Games where they explain their fight with Apple. We already know the result, so the text itself might not be that interesting, but the mentioned numbers definitely...

The music band Radiohead might perform in Fortnite

The music band Radiohead might perform in Fortnite

Some news can be quite unexpected, including this one. The music band called Radiohead now have their own game in the Epic Games Store, and they might even perform in Fortnite. Remember how Houseparty...

A red cube appeared under the Fortnite map

A red cube appeared under the Fortnite map

The amount of cubes this season is so big that even a mathematician would get tired of them. However, we won’t talk about the purple, gold and even blue cubes here. Instead, let’s talk...