
Fortnite news is a site section that contains all the latest news about Fortnite.

Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world and every day events occur that are associated either with the game or with the gaming community. We try to choose the most interesting news and give the latest information.

The secret Neymar skin will soon appear in Fortnite

The secret Neymar skin will soon appear in Fortnite

Today, at least information about the Chapter 2 Season 6 secret skin – Footballer Neymar appeared on the Internet. In the official Fortnite Twitter account a cool teaser was posted about the upcoming collaboration...

Where to find Grappler bow in Fortnite?

Where to find Grappler bow in Fortnite?

There are many different bows in Fortnite. There are usual ones, and ones with unique powers. Some shoot with fireworks, and the other throw everyone away. “But this is not enough”- Epic Games thought,...

This is how actual 90s look in Fortnite

This is how actual 90s look in Fortnite

It has been a long time since we told you about funny bugs and errors in Fortnite. It does not mean that they do not exist, it is just that they were not as...